About Ducky
The Ducky catamarans are produced by Ukon-A Co., Ltd. since 1999 – the year of foundation. An office and production of firm are located in Kyiv, Ukraine. Ducky is the registered trade mark. Model line of Ducky catamarans consists of four main models, different not only in size but also in design and usage. Our production is certified by the Shipping Register of Ukraine. All catamaran models have Ukrainian and International Certification. Also all models are patents protected. Our employees have extensive years of experience in the design, manufacture and utilization of inflatable sailing catamaran since far 1976. Factory team successfully took part in various regattas, with occupation of prize places. Regular participation in competitions and campaigns with different complexity levels gives an opportunity of the all-round testing of our products for their further improvement.Our catamarans

For One
Ducky 11 is the smallest catamaran in Ducky family. The smallest catamaran model is suitable to introduce both children and adults to the fascinating world of sailing.Read More

For One
Ducky 13 is the smallest catamaran in Ducky family. The smallest catamaran model is suitable to introduce both children and adults to the fascinating world of sailing.Read More

Sport for One/Two
Ducky 14s is the smallest catamaran in Ducky sport group. This group includes high speed, drive and extreme. Large power capacity, increased rigidity of the structure are the main differences of the catamarans of this group.Read More

For Weekends
Ducky 15 is a very popular model. Even a beginner will have no problems controlling this catamaran. It is just perfect for recreation as well as weekend trips.Read More

For family/Two
Model Ducky16 is designed for family recreation under sails. In the construction of this catamaran, the emphasis is on simplicity and speed of assembly, which makes it possible to use it as a weekend boat.Read More

For Cruises
Ducky 17 in the catamaran where you want to have a company with you on-board. It is perfect for short cruises as well as long-term trips. Read More

For Expeditions
Ducky 19 is the biggest is Ducky family. It is designed for crews of 2 to 4 persons. With this catamaran you want to take a long trips or take part in extreme races!Read MoreA message from our manager

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas lacinia malesuada mi vitae tristique. Donec fringilla ullamcorper nulla sed gravida. Vestibulum quis sollicitudin nibh. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis odio augue, efficitur non viverra a, fermentum sit amet felis. Cras scelerisque purus eu pellentesque feugiat. Curabitur ut bibendum ante. Sed et ex blandit, auctor purus mollis, euismod mi. Fusce vel nisi sit amet dolor condimentum ultricies. Morbi sagittis arcu sed odio finibus eleifend. Pellentesque nunc purus, scelerisque rutrum sem eu, accumsan tempor orci. Aliquam neque neque, elementum et nunc non, sodales fringilla turpis.
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10% discount on all Ducky catamarans!
Tuesday December 22nd, 2020

10% discount on all Ducky catamarans! Order must be placed…

Boat show “Boot Düsseldorf” 2020
Saturday January 11th, 2020

In exactly one week we will take part in the…

What’s new in 2019 season
Tuesday May 14th, 2019

Overview of Ducky catamarans updates in 2019: Ducky 13 received…

Discount 10% on all Ducky catamarans!
Tuesday December 27th, 2016

We hope Santa Claus was good for you! And so…

Test-sailing in Stockholm 2
Tuesday May 17th, 2016

One more time get ready for the test-sailing with Ducky…

Test-sailing in Stockholm
Thursday April 21st, 2016

Save the date for the test-sailing with Ducky 17 in…

Reflections after the Boat show Stockholm 2016
Sunday March 27th, 2016

It is now 2 weeks after the Boat show Stockholm…

Boat show Stockholm 2016
Monday February 22nd, 2016

Visit us at Boat show Stockholm 2016! Our stand number…
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